Since 1848, the Democratic National Committee has been the home of the Democratic Party, the oldest continuing party in the United States. 

Today, we are millions of supporters strong, leading with our values, fighting for progress, and helping elect Democrats in every state, city, and ZIP code — from local office to the Oval Office.

Our party is strong because it’s built on advancing our Democratic Platform and forging positive solutions that include everyone. As Democrats, we believe that every person in this nation should be treated with dignity and respect. 

County Political Structure

The Party’s structure is determined by state law and supported by the Rules of the Texas Democratic Party

Navarro County Is divided into 30 Precincts. To find which precinct you reside in and who represents you, click on the following links:

Find My District on the “Who Represents Me?” website – This site will identify your federal and state elected officials. 
(Note: Your precinct number should appear at the top of the results page; however, before the U.S. Supreme Court decided the Texas re-redistricting case, all precinct information disappeared from this site. The Texas Legislature Online has not answered our requests for the restoration of this feature.)

www.txdirectory.com Click this link to see the Texas State Directory Online

RedViewer Map – Interactive maps of Texas Senate, Texas House, Texas Congressional, and State Board of Education districts (These take time to load and zoom for local info, but they’re accurate.)

Click Here for information about county-level elected officials

Click Here to find the elected officials for your precinct

Click Here to go to the Texas legislature home page

Click Here to go to the U.S. Senate home page

Click Here to go to the U. S. House of Representatives home page

Permanent Party Organization

Each Precinct can elect a Precinct Chair to a 2-year term of office at the March Democratic Party Primary in even-numbered years. These 30 Precinct Chairs, along with the County Party Chair (also elected for a 2-year term at the Primary) make up the County Executive Committee. The County Executive Committee is responsible for administering primary elections, fundraising, recruiting volunteers, and organizing voters within the county.

Temporary Party Organization
On the evening of the March Party Primary immediately after the polls close, Democratic primary voters gather at polling places to adopt resolutions and select delegates to the County Convention, which is held the third Saturday after the Primary. At the County Convention, delegates to the State Convention are elected. At the biannual State Convention, state officials and national delegates are elected, and the party platform and other businesses are decided upon. In presidential election years (2016), delegates elected at the State Convention will ultimately go to the National Convention to select the candidates for President and Vice President. Electors who vote in the Electoral College during a presidential election are also chosen by the Party at the State Convention.

To see a chart of the Texas Democratic Party Structure, please click here.

Supportive Organizations
Clubs and other organizations at local, state, and national levels also assist the Party. These include branches of the Democratic Women, Young Democrats, Yellow Dog Democrats, workers’ organizations, and fraternal groups. Such organizations aim to coordinate with the formal party organization in whatever ways are appropriate. Tasks performed by such groups may include:

· Raising Funds
· Providing Volunteers
· Educating Citizens
· Registering Voters 
· Canvassing Precincts
· Mobilizing Youth
· Manning Phone Banks
· Distributing Literature
· Preparing Mailings
· Assisting Candidates